Do you have a conquering heart and strong legs? Come and wear out your tyres on the asphalt between Sion and Anzère, a great outing that will take you from the plain to the high altitude of the Tseuzier dam.
From Sion railway station, start with a warm-up by following the Rhône for around six kilometres to the village of St Léonard. As you leave St Léonard, you’ll pass through an exceptional vineyard dotted with fig trees and rose bushes. It’s not uncommon to hear cicadas singing in the summer, which lends a Provençal feel to these first few kilometres of uphill cycling. From Botyre, the landscape becomes more alpine and the road gradually becomes narrower. You’ll enjoy a panoramic view of Valais’s highest peaks as you make your way up to one of the only dams located on the right bank of the Rhône. Once you arrive at the summit, the clear waters of Tseuzier lake are enough to fortify even the most exhausted of cyclists, and all the effort you’ve made since St Léonard will melt away when you spot the view of the Rawyl pass at the end of the valley. Follow the route markers throughout.
Length : 22km
Ascent and descent : +1'357m / -77m
Difficulty : Difficult