Find out more about the 2024-2025 series of conferences organised as part of the Sion region's Climate Plan.
What is the climate plan?
In 2023, the communes of Arbaz. Ayent, Grimisuat, Savièse, Sion St-Léonard and Veysonnaz, as well as the bourgeoisie of Sion, have decided to set up an intercommunal climate plan to better prepare the region to cope with the effects of climate change and enhance the attractiveness and quality of life in their communes.
As part of the Sion region's Climate Plan, the 7 communes are offering a series of conferences on the energy savings and production opportunities that you can make in your own home.
In collaboration with Oiken and its Efficiences Programme - With the support of Suisseénergie
The conferences
The conferences are open to residents of all communes, regardless of where the conference is held. An aperitif is offered by the local authorities at the end of each conference.
Conference registrations and presentations can be found on the Plan climat website under the energy tab: Link